Praying God's Healing Power For The Nations

Jars of Clay Ministry
Continuing to serve and Teach the Word of Truth through Facebook Media Outlet Wed. @ 7:00pm & Sun. @ 11:00am.
@ Jars of Clay Ministry
Nov. 8th-18th @ 5:00PM 405 North Line St. West Columbia, SC 29169

Community Outreach

Celebrating Our Cancer Survivors This Month. May God Continue To Bless You.
....We have this Treasure in earthen vessels.... 2 Corinthais 4:7

From the Jars of Clay Church Family

We are excited that you have visited the Jars of Clay Ministry website. If you are in search of a church home, begin your search with a bible based church that teaches the word of God. The doors of the church are always open for you and your family to worship God with us and the Jars of Clay Family.
Apostle Charles Goodwin
Elect Lady Felicia Goodwin
Our Vision
God has given His plan for the cities of Hopkins and West Columbia to the heart of our apostle. God wants to fill the cities with His glory and pour into the people the riches of His grace. The Spirit of the Lord wants to pour in and pull out hidden treasure for the life of the saved and unsaved. Our assignment is to minister love and be examples of love by pouring our hearts into the people, that they may know the love of God in their hearts for their lives.
The Mission Statement
Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.
Mark 16:15

Sunday School 10:00 AM
Sunday Morning
Worship Service 11:00 AM
Children Church 11:15 AM
Corporate Prayer 6:30 PM
Bible Study 7:00 PM
Leadership & Intercessory Prayer 6:00pm
Enter into His gates with Thanksgiving, Psalms 100:4
"Wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving"
Scripture Meditation
Casting all your care upon him for he cares for you.
1Peter 5:7
The KJV Bible
Scripture Reading for the week:
Adults: Isaiah 06
Youth: 2 Kings 12
Recurring Events
Thursday afternoon at 2:00 pm visit at Sedge Wood Senior Center 1645 Ridge Rd. Hopkins, SC
Have been postpone do to the Corona Virus Pandemic.
Youth Service every 5th Sunday, is also postpone do to the Corona Virus:
"In Due Time"
1 Peter 5:6

and not By Sight
Apostle Charles Goodwin
November 15, 2020